Teamwork and collaboration

The Importance of Teamwork & Collaboration in the Workplace

While college group projects at times might feel burdensome, these team assignments will prepare you for your future workplace environment. Teamwork is necessary for jobs all across the spectrum. From construction work to marketing, nursing to acting, teamwork and collaboration is a vital part to keeping the organization or company running smoothly.

By interacting and collaborating with your colleagues, the organization or company will have growth and success. Everyone has a different skill set they bring to the table. By interacting with your co-workers, you may reach a better conclusion or idea than you would have on your own. When arriving at your new career with quality teamwork skills already in your pocket, you can be a step ahead of the competition. Although critical thinking skills were something many employers thought graduates could improve on, teamwork and collaboration were skills most employers were highly impressed with. 97.5% of employers think teamwork and collaboration are important in the workplace while 77% believe that graduates are demonstrating these skills proficiently.

A few other reasons employers strive for graduates with teamwork skills is that those skills can promote unity in the workplace, teamwork can provide improved productivity, it promotes work synergy, and can provide new learning opportunities.

Reference: Top 5 Skills Employers Look For: Learn what skills employers look for before you commit to a college degree. Online @ (Accessed: March 2023)

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